Costumul de mire marchează evenimentul prin purtătorul lui. Un costum de mire elegant face diferența printre invitați. Un costum de mire marca NPH si Norberto Tailor, cu siguranță va atrage priviri invidioase.
The occasion suit make's the difference between the guests. If you wear the occasion suits from Norberto Tailor or NPH, it's sure you'll create a flawless inpression.
Smoking represent welfare and also a social and intellectual class of the man who wear it. Be a celebration, an symphonic concert or any other occasion where the outfit compels you, a Smoking will distinguish you.
Businesses, generally means half intelligence and half image. The essence of such image consists in Business Outfit made on brands NPH and Norberto Tailor.
The suit blazers were worn since the fifteenth century and until today it provides the confidence that men look flawless, despite of the model or the occasion is worn. Nowadays men still were the suit blazers - and this proves that they are still in trend.
Norberto Tailor and NPH brands are totally authentic Romanian brands, which are made over a decade on quality suits market. The Norberto Tailor and NPH brands and there variety are known beyond the borders of Romania, because we are always to date with the news and with changes in international fashion, especially the Italian, thus ensuring the success of the men who are wearing our suits in business, in everyday's life or special occasions. Our collaborators from Romania are extremely satisfied by the quality of our products, first of all by the variety and not least by our seriosity. Under the Norberto Tailor and NPH brands are made: Business Suits, Classic Suits, Smokings, Bridegroom's Suits, Slim Suits (arched), Occasion Suits, Youth's Suit Blazer ( with elbow patches), Trousers, Coats, Suit Blazers and Jackets. For new models of Men Suits and Coats please ask the catalogue for obvious reasons. Wearing a Norberto Tailor or NPH suit, you have the guarantee of success!